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Links to 12 videos in the Seminar of Hope

Each "How to Pray for Your Sons & Daughters & Loved Ones" seminar video is listed in order below. Click on the title to view the video from the EWTN OnDemand website. 

Vernon Robertson explains how the experiences of famous biblical characters who had difficulties with their children and loved ones have much to teach us of those who have strayed from the Faith.

Learning from Our Lord Himself can help us to grow deeper in our life of prayer. Vernon helps us to examine our life of faith, challenging us to make the changes we need, as we enter into a life of prayer on behalf of our loved ones.

Vernon assures us in our weakness that when we pray for our loved ones, we pray in the company of Jesus.

Vernon reminds us that faith works through love, encouraging us to present our loved ones and our prayers to God at Mass and through the Virgin Mary's powerful intercession.

Vernon encourages us when children rebel against their faith. Instead of talking to them about God, we should talk to God about them.

Vernon reminds us that faith works through love, encouraging us to present our loved ones and our prayers to God at Mass and through the Virgin Mary's powerful intercession.

The need for fasting to accompany prayers is stressed by Our Lord and even many popes and saints. Vernon looks at ways of incorporating fasting into our prayer life and the variety of ways we can do this.

Vernon reminds us that faith works through love, encouraging us to present our loved ones and our prayers to God at Mass and through the Virgin Mary's powerful intercession.

Vernon points to the Catechism to remind us that we need to pray for not only our loved ones to return to Mass, but that hearts will be transformed into experiencing 'a vital and personal relationship with the living and true God.'

Vernon encourages us to focus on the creative and active power of the Word of God. He discusses the particular conditions that our loved ones may find themselves such as unbelief, materialism and addictions.

Vernon encourages us to pray to God the Father what he has promised to do on behalf of our loved ones, in which he points out that it is God's will that 'all men be saved and come to know the truth.' (1 Timothy 2:4)

Vernon explains the role of angels on behalf of our loved ones. They are powerful advocates who help bring about answers to our prayers.

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