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 A Seminar of Hope
by Vernon Robertson

Do your loved ones no longer practice their faith or believe in God?

​​This practical and free video series “How to Pray for Your Sons & Daughters & Loved Ones” will help you grow in faith and hope and know God's peace as you discover how God is at work in them through your prayers.​

Vernon Robertson, a Catholic lay evangelist, developed this Seminar of Hope over 25 years based on his experience praying for his teenager children through some challenging times. â€‹


The Seminar of Hope is now available to view at no charge from EWTN OnDemand as a 12-episode video series called "How to Pray for Your Sons & Daughters & Loved Ones.​​​

This collection of video seminars by Vernon has given real hope to countless parents in praying for their loved ones by addressing topics such as:


  • How is your prayer life?

  • When good parents suffer, where is God?

  • How can we learn to pray like Jesus did?

  • What happens when parents come to Jesus on behalf of their children?

  • What are the obstacles to our prayers being answered?

  • What has God promised to do for our loved ones?

  • How does praying the power of God’s word into the lives of our loved ones transform us?

We encourage you to experience this powerful video series as a parish program, or in a small group with friends, or on your own. See the Resources page for more information.

Vernon Robertson is available as an advisor to help you decide how to approach this seminar, or to attend virtually for a Q&A session (30 to 45 minutes) at the end of a parish or small group program. 

Feel free to contact Vernon with your questions at the number or email listed below.


From Seminar of Hope participants

I have attended many other mission-type seminars but none has ever touched my heart or left me filled with the spirit in the way this one did.


This has been the most life changing for me. I have been convicted of the importance of reading the Word of God and knowing the Word of God and living the Word of God.


The seminar gave me realistic strategies for prayer, not only for my children but for my entire family…I am now more hopeful and learning to surrender my loved ones daily to the Lord.

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